Published Friday, May 13, 2005 by Swish Lish.
Please note: the clips in this entry were taken from
this website. For many entertaining snippets, go there.
Oh, the humanity. To reduce a beautiful piece of music to
this (266K). It's one of those horrendous creations that confirms for me that William Shatner cannot be taken seriously. Ever. He will forever be known as James T. Kirk, and even that's not much. To have the highlight of your career in the 60s? Must be a pretty rough ride, 40 years on.
OH GOD. Somebody kill it. Kill it now. I vote that William Shatner is never again allowed out of his home. Let alone near a microphone. I couldn't even bear to listen to the whole clip.
Stick to what you do best, Bill. Which, at this point, means aging gracefully
out of the frigging limelight.