Quirky, and proud of it.

i can stop anytime i want... i think...

It's probably a good thing I never took up drugs or cigarettes. I'd end up selling my soul on the local street corner just pining for another hit. Or selling my panties for a quick buck as requested by a few random ICQ freaks. I think I have one of those adddictive personalities. But not in that fun-filled good way. No, I just get completely addicted to stuff and become utterly incapable of normal rational thought as I'm consumed by the passion of my craving.

This is how things are with my current addiction. I'm getting hits 3-4 times a week, but all I can think about is that it's five more hours and then two hours of bliss in that swing-related buzz.
Then I go home on a high and even wake up still on the high. Till mid-morning arrives and then it's back to rocking in my bed under the covers in an autistic stupor "three more hours till swing... three more hours till swing... maybe I should practice the Shim Sham in the meantime..."

Personally, I think I'm already in deep. In fact, I've already signed up for a rehabilitation program for a week at the end of January. A week of solid dancing should get it out of my system, right?


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Name: Swish Lish

Location: Sydney, Australia

  • My profile
  • I like swing dancing and I have a dragon. What more do you need to know?

  • E-mail me: swishlish(at)gmail.com
  • MSN me: flippantgirl@hotmail.com

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