No Stockholm tales for you just yet. Instead, I'm actually bothering to put some pictures from Copenhagen up. :)
It's amazing how much more of my time in Copenhagen I remembered, flicking through the photos. There's the Little Mermaid, which firstly isn't so little, and is greatly overhyped:

And then there are the stunning streets with more bikeriders than you can poke a stick at:

There is canal after canal, apparently this is one of the Venices of the North (St Petersburg also seems to lay claim to this title for some reason):

Following on from the fact that there are quite so many canals, there are almost as many cruises to go on. These are highly recommended, and apparently come at two prices, both with English descriptions of the scenery. There's the 30 kronor cruise which shows you the highlights of the city in an hour, and then there's the 50 kronor cruise which shows you the highlights of the city in an hour, leaving mildly more frequently and sometimes having a slightly prettier tour guide. Or so I'm told. I went on the 30 kronor one, and she was very pretty.
I also went to the Carlsberg Brewery. 3.50 Euro for entry, and this includes the following beer:

I saw the palace Princess Mary lives in (she was even there as the flag flying over the palace suggested), and even snagged a photo with one of the guards - Scandinavian royal guards aren't like British guards. They may be dressed similarly, but they're allowed to smile and speak and have some sorts of facial expressions rather than the somber and sullen guards of London.
There are at least two towers you can climb to see sights of the city (I went up both, and my legs were thanking me for it the next day), and just near the spiral one there's Christiania.
Christiania is a place where the rogue hippies have run away to, smoking dope and doing whatever they damn well please. Compared to the clean, crisp look of Copenhagen, Christiania is its complete opposite. It's more of a slum, with graffiti everywhere. While trying to enter from a slightly back street, we saw a bunch of cops doing a raid. Apparently this is common practice. Here's a picture I took while wandering through:

I couldn't really get any other photos, because they have No Photography signs up all over the place, and I can tell you now that I didn't want to get onto the wrong side of the locals.
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